Saposhnikovia divaricata root

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Licorice (aka Saposhnikovia divaricata) - a real gift of nature. The root of this amazing plant helps relieve spasms, is used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, is useful in stomach disorders. Our company collects licorice root in ecologically clean regions of the country, guaranteeing compliance with all technical requirements.

Collection of plants is made in the summer and fall period, when licorice is preparing for the winter season and is as rich in useful substances as possible. Drying is done with dry air (t - no more than 50 degrees Celsius). Raw materials are stored in a protected from food moths and other insects, complying with GOST standards:

  • When collecting roots are cleaned completely from dirt, washed from fine sand, rotten and small root shoots are removed.
  • Since the root of licorice goes 5 meters deep, the collection of raw materials is done by digging manually. The washed and cleaned root is cut into equal parts. Sometimes it is chopped into small pieces (1.5 - 2 cm in length).
  • Drying with hot air kills larvae and spores.
  • The finished dry root should have a characteristic crunch when broken.

Infection by rot and pests is not allowed, as all harvested roots are carefully selected - soft, loose roots are disposed of at the stage after collection. Safety indicators comply with clear TU regulations.

We sell the goods wholesale, there are licenses for export. We also comply with the requirements of the rules of transportation of plant raw materials. Since licorice root with proper drying and packaging is stored up to 10 years, we carefully take care of the package of raw materials - in airtight vacuum bags. Finished root is easily broken - this indicates the quality of the plant, so for transportation we use additional packaging - corrugated cardboard. We sell the goods with all documentation.

Advantages of licorice root:

  • The plant is considered medicinal. Rich in glycosides, anetol, coumarin, sterol, flavonoids, minerals and vitamins, antioxidants.
  • The most common use of this raw material is to treat coughs and other respiratory diseases.
  • It is suitable for reducing pain in PMS, cramps, arthritis.
  • A cup of tea from licorice root helps to cope with indigestion and with intoxication, poisoning.
  • Dry skin, hair loss, dandruff - licorice can help here too.

Use of licorice - mainly in the form of tea and tincture. It can be taken internally (no more than 2-3 small cups a day), gargle the throat and mouth when stomatitis or tooth decay.

Another common use of the root is to chew it after meals. This is a safe alternative to chewing gum. The root tastes bitter, but it is great for freshening breath, removing food debris, and relieving gum inflammation.

At home, the dry root can be "run" through a special extractor for herbs, which allows even from dry raw materials to make a useful essence. In this form, all the useful qualities of the plant will be preserved. The finished extract can be added to tea, and in the bath, and for inhalations, and for the preparation of confectionery - licorice candies.